It may be Osgood Schaltter Disease.
Osgoo what now!? Yes, its a funny name but it’s also one of the most common causes of knee pain in adolescent athletes aged between 9 and 15. It tends to affect girls at a slightly younger age compared to boys.
Typically this disease affects children who have just gone through a growth spurt and participate in a high volume of sports involving running and jumping.
Why Does This Happen?
Osgood Schlatter Disease is a condition where the growth plate located at the front of the knee (the little bump at the front of the shin called the tibial tubercle) becomes inflamed and painful. During a growth spurt the quadriceps muscles and patellar tendon often don’t grow as quickly as the bone does and therefore become very tight, as a result of the added pressure and pull; this causes the tendon insertion at the front of the knee to fray resulting in inflammation and pain.
What Does it Feel Like?
- Pain at the front of the knee worsening with sport or activity
- Limping after exercise
- Feels better with rest
- Front area of the knee over the tibial tubercle is tender to touch and swollen
What can I do?
- Rest from any aggravating activities until you have been assessed by a physiotherapist
- Ice packs over swollen area regularly
- Try not to kneel on the affected knee
What can Physio treatment include?
- Thorough musculoskeletal assessment
- Manual therapy including soft tissue release, mobilisations and ice therapy
- Muscle strengthening
- Improvement of motor control
- Advice and Education re appropriate timing for return to sport and ongoing management plan to reduce the likelihood of recurrence
- Taping
- Comprehensive home exercise program
- Orthotic prescription if necessary
What you can expect?
- GOOD NEWS! – Osgood Schlatter Disease is a self limiting condition with symptoms usually dissipating once the growth spurt is finished,
- However as this can take up to 2 years, physiotherapy is an excellent way to address any other mechanical factors that contribute to the condition and will assist in getting your child back on the field faster!
If this sounds like what your child has been experiencing, make an appointment today and let us help get them back on track.