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So far admin has created 63 blog entries.

The most important things you can do this preseason to stay injury free…


This time of year marks the beginning of pre- season training for many sports. So now is the perfect time to build a good injury prevention program, to enable your best, injury free performance throughout the season! ‘It takes a minimum of 6 weeks to see changes in the condition of a muscle after exercise’. [...]

The most important things you can do this preseason to stay injury free…2019-02-25T06:30:10+00:00

Do you wake feeling tired or in pain? This could be why!


How much thought do you give to the cushion that supports your head and neck for approx. 3000 hours a year? Chances are, not a lot! Most of us know we should replace our pillow occasionally, but how often is ‘occasionally’? ‘The average person uses the same pillow for three years and two months, 14 [...]

Do you wake feeling tired or in pain? This could be why!2019-02-18T06:30:47+00:00

Get your kids active these school holidays


More and more kids and teenagers are spending time sitting at computers, watching TV, playing on mobiles and tablets, often two screens at once! School holidays often lead to even more sitting and screens.  ‘1 in 4 teens are ‘almost constantly’ online which can lead to poor posture, neck and back pain and headaches’ (Pew [...]

Get your kids active these school holidays2018-12-10T06:30:21+00:00

Long haul flight this Christmas? Stay mobile with these simple exercises!


As we come into the festive season, we see a huge increase in the number of stiff and sore lower backs and necks. What’s the main culprit? TRAVELLING! Whether it be long car trips, long haul flights or just more sitting around relaxing with a drink in hand (no judgement here), the holiday season can [...]

Long haul flight this Christmas? Stay mobile with these simple exercises!2018-12-04T09:41:50+00:00

Why do my feet always get sore this time of year?!


We see a dramatic increase in people complaining of foot and leg pain at this time of year, and there’s one main reason why! Last week, 50% of the new injuries we treated were related to poor footwear. Let’s be realistic…those trusty rubber thongs and sandals we all love are great in summer for keeping [...]

Why do my feet always get sore this time of year?!2018-11-26T06:00:40+00:00

Don’t end up with Tech Neck before Christmas!!


Did you know there are only 25 work days until Christmas?! Holey moley, that means a lot of work to get through before then! Whilst you may be spending more and more time at your computer to tie up loose ends before the silly season, we don’t want you to start your holidays in pain. [...]

Don’t end up with Tech Neck before Christmas!!2018-11-19T06:30:04+00:00

How you can treat your knee pain once and for all!


Have you ever felt pain in your knee when walking (especially up or down stairs), getting out of a chair or running? If this sounds like you, it doesn’t have to be! In the clinic we have been seeing lots of patients complaining of knee pain….. with the end of the winter sports and ski [...]

How you can treat your knee pain once and for all!2018-11-12T06:00:08+00:00

The biggest mistakes that could be making your injury worse!


Do you or have you ever suffered with pain? This is an important article that could make the world of difference to you! Everyday in the clinic, we get asked ‘should I be using ice or heat?’. This is something that can make the difference to helping your pain, and is super simple to get [...]

The biggest mistakes that could be making your injury worse!2018-11-05T06:00:58+00:00

Why should I do CoreX?


CoreX is an advanced core conditioning class designed to take your core strength to the next level. Are you a runner or golfer, or play sport like tennis or soccer? Or looking for a new challenge? Then this class if for you! Using resistance tubes,we target not only the abdominals, but the legs, back and [...]

Why should I do CoreX?2020-09-23T08:31:20+00:00
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