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So far admin has created 63 blog entries.

Tips on preparing for (and recovering from!) a running event.


It is important to consider your health and nutrition both in the lead up to and recovering from major sporting events. With the City2Surf and the Blackmore’s Sydney Running Festival coming up here are some top tips to help you make it through the day! In the week leading up: 1. Taper off your running [...]

Tips on preparing for (and recovering from!) a running event.2020-09-23T08:32:58+00:00

Help!! My knee hurts whenever I run!


Does your knee hurt when you run? Do you look at stairs or hills and hesitate knowing that pain is coming? Do you have an event coming up that you’d like to prepare for? You aren’t alone. 1 in 4 people will experience “runner’s knee” at some point in their lives, and for those [...]

Help!! My knee hurts whenever I run!2021-04-06T00:48:01+00:00

Why isn’t my child reaching his/her milestones?


Some of life’s sweetest moments can proceed from watching your little one grow, develop and flourish into an active, healthy child. It is therefore undoubtedly concerning for a parent to realise that their child isn’t developing their skills at the ‘normal’ rate! If this sounds familiar to you click read more for information on gross [...]

Why isn’t my child reaching his/her milestones?2020-09-23T08:34:23+00:00

Mastitis…why it happens and what you can do to prevent it!


Mastitis and blocked ducts can cause breastfeeding to become a painful experience. If a blocked milk duct is not treated early, it can lead to further inflammation, fever, joint pain and antibiotic use. Symptoms of mastitis can include: Redness, swelling and an area of hardness within the breast tissue Flu like symptoms – feeling hot [...]

Mastitis…why it happens and what you can do to prevent it!2020-09-23T08:35:30+00:00

Improving your vertical jump and preventing injury!


Having read and watched our videos and articles over the past few weeks on knee and ankle injuries/prevention and the importance of glute and core stability you are now aware of some of the foundational exercises necessary to build the strength and stability needed for our next stage in training- Improving your JUMP and preventing [...]

Improving your vertical jump and preventing injury!2020-09-23T08:36:28+00:00

Why bother with preseason training?


This time of year marks the beginning of pre- season training for many sports. So now is the perfect time to build a good injury prevention program, to enable your best, injury free performance throughout the season! Although accidents happen and you can never guarantee an injury won’t occur, we do know that different sports [...]

Why bother with preseason training?2020-09-29T06:44:29+00:00

Knee Injuries in Sport


Knee injuries and knee pain is one of the most common sports related complaints. Whether its an awkward twist playing soccer, or niggly pain from running, most knee injuries can be avoided! ​Anatomy of the Knee The Knee joint is comprised of the tibia (shin bone) and Femur (thigh bone) and the Patella (knee cap). [...]

Knee Injuries in Sport2020-09-29T06:46:15+00:00

What is dry needling?


Dry needling is a technique used by physiotherapists to decrease the pain or dysfunction within your muscles. It is performed with a small filament needle (acupuncture needle) that is directed into a trigger point and removed. Read more about what it can do for you.... A trigger point (TP) is as very sensitive spot in [...]

What is dry needling?2020-09-29T06:47:32+00:00

Ankle Injuries in Sport


Ankle injuries, specifically sprains, are among the most common injuries seen in netball and soccer due to the jumping, turning, twisting movements and explosive changes of direction involved in the sports. The ankle is a hinge joint that allows the foot to bend upwards and downwards. There is also a small amount of rotation in [...]

Ankle Injuries in Sport2020-09-29T06:48:56+00:00

Injury prevention 101…the warm up!


Whether you consider yourself the Ronaldo of the local park, or the thought of running around for more than 10 mins brings a preemptive sweat to your brow, ​before any training session or competition you should always participate in a warm up routine. The warm up essentially prepares the body for physical activity by raising [...]

Injury prevention 101…the warm up!2020-09-29T06:50:23+00:00
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