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So far admin has created 63 blog entries.

Do you have jaw pain?


Blog by Physiotherapist and clinical Pilates instructor Ashley Saba. The Temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the two joints on either side of the jaw that connect the jaw bone(the mandible) to the skull bone (the temporal bone). Common causes of jaw pain: Poor neck posture and neck pain Displacement of the joint’s cartilage disc Grinding and [...]

Do you have jaw pain?2019-10-08T12:36:58+00:00

3 easy stretches you can do at work!


Do you get stiff and sore sitting at a desk all day? You are not the only one! On Average Australian workers spend 6.3 hours a day sitting down.  We’ve put together a few easy stretches you can do to keep yourself moving at work! NECK STRETCHES Sit with your back supported Keeping your head [...]

3 easy stretches you can do at work!2019-10-07T07:00:56+00:00

Headaches! But there’s a cure…..


  Do you have a headache?   Whether you suffer from chronic headaches or when you're bogged  down at work, headaches can be debilitating condition that can affect everyone now and then. Headaches are often caused by disorders of the neck or physical and emotional tension. But have you ever wondered what is causing your [...]

Headaches! But there’s a cure…..2019-10-05T11:00:06+00:00

Help! My thumb hurts all the time!


Do you find it hard to open jars, turn handles or keys? It may be osteoarthritis in the base of your thumb known as the 1st CMC joint. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition caused by a break down in cartilage and is most common in women over 50. It is often lying dormant and may [...]

Help! My thumb hurts all the time!2020-09-23T08:14:01+00:00

Not Achilles pain!!! The little known ways to fix your pain once and for all…


Did you know runners are 30 times more likely to develop Achilles tendinopathy? Having said that, we treat a lot of achilles pain not caused by running.   What is the Achilles Tendon?  The Achilles Tendon can be found at the back of the heel and is made up of the two calf muscles – the [...]

Not Achilles pain!!! The little known ways to fix your pain once and for all…2020-09-23T08:19:56+00:00

The reason your child is complaining of knee pain!


We’ve all been there – ‘growing pains’ as it was often described.  But did you know it could be more than that? It may be Osgood Schaltters Disease. Osgood what?!  The name may sounds confusing but its actually one of the most common causes of knee pain in children aged from 9 to 15 years old. [...]

The reason your child is complaining of knee pain!2019-09-16T07:00:06+00:00

Tennis Elbow…But I don’t play tennis?


One of the most common (and most debilitating) conditions we see is tennis elbow! But why is it called tennis elbow, and what it?  It’s actually called lateral epicondylitis but it’s known as tennis elbow because is a common condition in tennis players due to excessive gripping and the single sided repetitive movement.  These are [...]

Tennis Elbow…But I don’t play tennis?2020-09-23T08:22:36+00:00

Top 10 tips for preparing for a fun run!


We often see a lot of preventable injuries around City2Surf and Blackmores Running Festival time, as many of us haven’t put in the preparation! Here are our top tips for avoiding these niggles… ​Footwear – are your shoes showing signs of wear or are they supportive enough for running?  If your shoes are worn out [...]

Top 10 tips for preparing for a fun run!2020-09-23T08:26:52+00:00

Don’t let osteoarthritis slow you down


One of the most common things we deal with as a result of wear and tear over time is osteoarthritis (OA). There are many different types of arthritis, but OA (deterioration of cartilage in the joints) is by far the most common, affecting almost 2 million Australians. “Arthritis is more common in women than men” [...]

Don’t let osteoarthritis slow you down2019-04-01T06:30:39+00:00

Ignoring your pain could be doing you harm!


Did you know that ignoring those niggles could be doing you harm?!  This week, we debunk some of the most common myths and misunderstandings around chronic pain. “1 in 5 Australians are living with chronic pain”. So what is pain? Pain is your body’s way of warning you against sickness or injury.  This leads people [...]

Ignoring your pain could be doing you harm!2020-09-23T08:28:24+00:00
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